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  • 陳佩華
  • 陳穎妍
  • 陳靄詩


  • Unger , jonathan , and anita chan . " inheritors of the boom : private enterprise and the role of local government in a rural south china township . " the china journal , no . 42 ( july 1999 ) : 45 - 76
    景氣的接棒者:私有企業和中國南部農村里地方政府的角色, 《中國研究期刊》 ,第四十二期, 1999年七月,頁45 - 76
  • Shkp club managing director may lau and sun hung kai real estate agency sales director anita chan met the media today march 20 to announce the offers . ms lau said : " we have seen a good response since the vineyard went on sale
  • From left shkp club deputy manager winnie tse and managing director may lau and sun hung kai real estate agency sales director anita chan and sales marketing manager jinnys lau announce the vineyard preview for shkp club members and special offers on designated houses for members
  • Sun hung kai real estate agency sales director anita chan said : " we are thrilled to work with the world - renowned galimard and its scent master jacques maurel to give residents a personal experience of the magic of fragrance to complement the extraordinary private gardens and natural scents .
    從來懂得享受生活的人都渴望擁有屬于自己獨一無二的香水,葡萄園的住戶便能不假外求,尊享由曾為chanel dior及guerlain制造香水的調香師jacques maurel調配珍藏版香水,享受非凡生活。
  • It will have a spa area and asymmetrical two - level 53 meter pool . residents will enjoy many other privileges offered by the vineyard , such as tailored fragrances from france , as part of the superior chateau lifestyle . the sun hung kai real estate agency s sales director anita chan right and sales marketing manager jinnys lau introduce two house configurations for the vineyard
    此外,葡萄園更設有約80 , 000平方尺的大型會所葡萄會,以外國葡萄園作為設計藍本,除首創的酒莊葡萄抗氧水療設施外,更擁有同區罕有的大型戶外泳池,分上下錯層設計,全長合共長約53米,以及為住戶度身訂做法國香水等,皆盡顯其優越的酒莊式品味生活。
  • Sun hung kai real estate agency sales director anita chan said , " to make the vineyard stand out as a chateau residence in a spectacular vineyard setting , we have decided to spend an additional 30 million on landscaping . this takes the total investment in the green landscape even higher to 130 million
    新地代理銷售總監陳秀賢表示:為了將葡萄園打造為城中最有酒莊風格的豪宅別墅,新地不惜工本,決定額外投放3 , 000萬元提升園內及園外的園林綠化質素,令環境綠化的總投資額高達1億3千萬元。
  • Sun hung kai real estate agency sales director anita chan left announces the collaboration with the celebrated galimard perfume house to create personal perfumes for residents of the vineyard . galimard general director jean - pierre roux middle and its scent master jacques maurel right at the press conference
    新地特別發展部銷售總監陳秀賢小姐左宣布與法國名牌香水廠galimard合作,更請來galimard總裁mr . jean - pierre roux中及著名調香師jacques maurel右來港出席發布會。
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